Thank God for answering my prayers and bless me with good result...
A countless thanks to:
MY PARENTS: Love you guys loads!! Thank you for always being there with me, attend to my needs, giving me support and so much more:') *hugs*
FAMILY: 3 budak hitam.. Haha. Hani, Liana, Amar..... LOVE u guys too. They brigthen my days whenever I was feeling down.And to mak cik2 and pak cik2 and sepupu, sepapat etcetc... Thanks for the moral support!!<3 u guys!!
TEACHERS: TERIMA KASIH banyak2 to all of them including tuition teachers. Tanpa anda siapalah saya.. Muahaha=D..I really appreciate what you all have done to make me a better person. You guys did a noble job and may God bless you..<3
FRIENDS: Thank you guys for being there with me through thick and thin. SAYANG kamu<3
Tok saya comel,
Tok Su: Kak, adik dapat berapa A ni SPM ni?
Tok:Tak tau, tak ingat tapi banyak la...
Uncle saya pun,
Wak Hata: You dapat berapa A?
Me: 11 A
Wak Hata:Ow.. Kenapa you tak masuk paper? Dapat 11 A...
Me: ???
baru je nak marah sbb lama tak update blog.. :D congrats again.... well done!
ReplyDeletejgn marah kita..haha.thnku2:)
ReplyDeletehaha..bajet ar nak masuk paper weyh..poyo siot..muahaha klu adek masuk paper mmg hani x puas hati ar, aku lebih satu A..haha..lg poyo aku
ReplyDeletehaa.. tau x pe poyo je. wak hata mcm tanya serious gila... aku ni dah blur2.. masuk paper???