Okaaayyyy... where do I start??? Hmmm... Ok saya tak dapat JPA kan.. It's okay. Serious saya tak kisah. I'm just happy. In fact this is the first time I feel genuinely happy for the past ermmm.... 2 months. Studying overseas is not part of my plan. Nope. Cuma when my sister dpt chance nak pergi oversea haritu then only macam terlintas on my mind 'eh why not.. tengok tempat orang'. So okay lepas keputusan SPM keluar, apply for jpa etcetc.. you know what happen la kan. To be honest... I was suck during the interview. What do you expect? A candidate next to me is an international public speaker(smthg like that) put yourself in my baju kurung.. rasa timid tak? My point is ramai lagi yang layak daripada saya as in no. of A+, economy background, privilage budak2 asrama(tu x yah cite la sakit hati kot, I mean I tak dpt pun pergi boarding school, takpe tu cerita lama) & macam-macam lagi la sebab yang tak melayakkan saya untuk mendapat tajaan tu<----- ayat hebat tak? haha:D So dah saya tak dapat ni a few people kinda mempersoalkan ketidakdapatan saya<---- lg satu, hebat tak? haha:D They've been asking question and melahirkan rasa kesian( 3rd one) like
'Kenapa tak dapat, u kan dpt straight A's etcetc....'
'Ala.. kenapa ya tak dapat..'
'Uitm je.. tapi result kamu kan hebat..'
'You deserve the scholarship...'
Well, saya takde jawapan kepada soalan kenapa tak dapat. Yang tu kena tanya org jpa sendiri. And please, please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please.. dah ada berapa dah..please don't feel sorry for me. Please BE HAPPY for me. It's okay uitm je, it's okay local je, because I know this is what's best for me. Allah knows what's best for me. So yeah.. I just want to be thankful and be happy with what I have:)) Weird as it sounds, saya tak nak( not to say that tp x de perkataan yg sesuai) dapat tajaan untuk dalam negara tu(perasan je la kan boleh dapat..haha:D) Saya dah penat tunggu and I don't want any interference bila dah masuk uitm nanti.. So just move on.:)) And ada la variety sikit dalam family asas saya.. My sister study oversea, saya study local so dua2 dah explore kan...? Bagus la macam tu:)
Okay people, have a nice day:D
Love yourself<3
saya suka! aja aja Fana! :D mana-mana tempat pun sama je as long as YOU work at it... :D
ReplyDeleteawww Syaz:) thank u:))