Monday, June 28, 2010

It's always sunny :)

Whenever you fell that your day kinda gloomy, remember that the day it's always sunny. The dark, heavy cloud just block the sunshine temporarily. Behind those clouds, the sun never stop shines :D When the time comes, the dark cloud will gone away, and the rain will pour and the day is, as you see it become bright and sunny again and there's pretty RAINBOW. BUT it's always have been SUNNY :)

Selepas setiap kesusahan itu pasti ada kesenangan:)


  1. waaaa~good one sis
    u sound like guru kaunseling dah ;)

  2. waaahhh...if only i read this yesterday night then maybe i wouldn't have been so stressed... thanks babe, i tau u post this not for me but still, kurang sikit rindu kat you ble baca... :D is everything ok at MMU?

  3. hee.. syaz, i miss u too:)) it's for u n me:)
    everything kinda ok la.. tp bz gila..hoho:O

    hani, tak nak la jd cikgu kaunseling.. stress je
