Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Kehidupan mengajar saya....

to be true to myself and lie to others
to keep and let go
to care and be selfish
to be careful and carefree
to be matured and childish
to take and never give
to win and never lose
to be cruel and gentle
to follow most rules and break some
to apologise and forgive
to remember and forget
to be nice and be evil
to listen
to be heard
to be honest and dishonest
to hurt and get hurt
to be in love and in hatred
to have some friends and be alone
to relax and worry
to rise and fall
to accept and reject
to start and stop
to be smart and stupid
to be hardworking and be lazy
to be thankful and complain
to expect nothing and expect something
to laugh and to cry
to talk and shut up
to take time...
to heal myself.


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