Saturday, May 8, 2010

Do I Really Have A Place In Your Heart??

Well, do I? Dekat kau punya right atrium ke, left atrium or left or right ventricle. Paling2 pun kat celah aorta or vena cava tu ke? Ada? Soalan ni khas untuk someone yang DULU saya anggap special dalam hidup saya. Dan saya rasa saya ni somene special dalam hidup dia. Tapi saya je yang perasan kot.. Hmmm... Forget it. This question is a waste of time sebab takkan berjawab pun. Kalau ada pun, I know it'll only disappoint me.

Have a nice day people & love yousrself.


  1. Of course you have a place in my heart! Dekat my SA node lagi...the pacemaker of the heart and without it confirm orang tu zombie... haha...chill babe... :) kalau whoever this post is about tak sayang you lagi, many others still do... :D

  2. Awww...syaz:) so sweet.. I know I have a place in your heart:) *winkwink
